Title: Stage Four- Alignment
Hey Direct Impact Nation!
We’re diving into Andrea's Four Core Stages of healing from body betrayal. You did it! We are on the final stage of Andrea’s four core stages- alignment! Our goal is to get our head, heart, gut, and genitalia brains reconnected and reintegrated with one another. As we try to align these brains, we understand how there is a separation of body and self created by betrayal. Listen for the tasks of how we can create this alignment with our body and ourselves.
If you missed the last episodes about the Four Core Stages, check them out here!
Check out the introduction to the Andreas Four Core Stages here: https://directimpactpodcast.castos.com/episodes/andreas-4-core-strategies
If you missed the last episodes about the Four Core Stages, check them out here!
Check out the introduction to the Andreas Four Core Stages here: https://directimpactpodcast.castos.com/episodes/andreas-4-core-strategies
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Find Andrea at her practice, and check out her upcoming workshops!
Resolve Strategies, Inc.www.resolvestrategiesinc.com/staff
Andrea is a Licensed Professional Counselor, Masters Addiction Counselor, and Certified Sex Therapist
Get more insight from Andrea with her free resources:
Heads Up Guidance Services’ Resource Page https://www.headsupsavannah.org/resources
Direct Impact with Andrea Epting Podcast- Powered by Lightning in a Bottle (LIAB)
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Plan to Recover: Your Mini Journal for Recovery and Self-Discovery
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